This blog started as an outcry against plastic pollution. My journey to educate myself about the devastating impact our throw away society is having on the planet has led me to uncover the deeper root of the problem which is our illusion that somehow we are separate from nature. I believe that the only solution to ending the wholesale destruction of nature is to reignite reverence for the land and begin to understand again that earth is the sacred provider of life. We will only save or care about what we love. Let's fall in love with the earth, her oceans, rivers, forests, flowers, animals, and people. In our collective wonder, appreciation and action we can protect and restore what still remains of her beauty.

Gratitude | Louie Schwartzberg

"Beauty and seduction are nature's tools for survival, because we protect what we fall in love with.  It opens our hearts and makes us realize we are part of nature and we're not separate from it.  We are connected to a universe that celebrates life.  Each day that's given to you is a Gift.  If you do nothing else but cultivate the response of Gratitude then each day is well lived"

This video is pure truth and beauty.  It speaks exactly to what I have been expressing on this blog from the beginning.  Enjoy the heart opening that it offers. 

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