This video is from the TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch conference which took place last November in LA. There were over 30 illuminating speakers who shared amazing information about plastic and pollution but this one in particular stood out for me. Van Jones, a brilliant environmental advocate and civil rights activist- author of "Green Collar Economy" linked environmentalism to social justice unlike anyone I've heard. The idea is so simple: the moral challenge of the movement to stop plastic waste must go hand in hand with the entire mindset of disposability which also effects the under classes. The issues of the high percentage of incarceration of the poor and impoverished communities that are degraded and polluted like Cancer Alley in Louisiana, are evidence of the interconnection of poverty and pollution in our throw away society. The concept of Biomimicry -respect for the wisdom of all species- is actually a social justice idea like democracy which is respecting the wisdom of all people. You can't have one without the other.
We don't have to pick just one issue to care about- whether we will hug a tree or hug a child- we have two arms and can hug both. Thank you Van Jones!