This blog started as an outcry against plastic pollution. My journey to educate myself about the devastating impact our throw away society is having on the planet has led me to uncover the deeper root of the problem which is our illusion that somehow we are separate from nature. I believe that the only solution to ending the wholesale destruction of nature is to reignite reverence for the land and begin to understand again that earth is the sacred provider of life. We will only save or care about what we love. Let's fall in love with the earth, her oceans, rivers, forests, flowers, animals, and people. In our collective wonder, appreciation and action we can protect and restore what still remains of her beauty.

The Bay vs. The Bag

This video by Save the Bay is fantastic! Please enjoy it's potent message...

"Plastic bags pollute our waters, smother wetlands and entangle and kill animals. In fact, approximately one million plastic bags pollute San Francisco Bay each year. Trash Bay flows into the ocean to join the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is a floating island of trash estimated at twice the size of Texas where plastic particles are more abundant than plankton."

Did you know?

* Up to 90% of floating debris is plastic, which never biodegrades.
* Plastic trash has entangled, suffocated, or poisoned at least 267 known animal species worldwide.
* A study found an average of three pieces of trash along every foot of streams leading to San Francisco Bay – half of which is plastic.
* 1.37 million plastic bags were removed from coastal areas worldwide on just one day.

In the News~ Australian town Bans Plastic Water Bottles

Check out this article in the Yahoo news today!! (in my opinion: if we can't ban bottled water then I would go as far to suggest an "environmental destruction tax" on them. Or something like carbon offset credits for their use)
Australian town set to ban bottled water AFP/File – An Australian town is set to ban bottled water over concerns about its environmental impact, in what …

"We believe Bundanoon is the world's first town that has got its retailers to ban bottled water. We haven't found it anywhere else."

Local opinion was incensed when beverage company Norlex Holdings announced plans to tap an underground reservoir in the town, truck the water up to Sydney and then send it back in bottled form."The company has been looking to extract water locally, bottle it in Sydney and bring it back here to sell it again," said Dee."It made people look at the environmental impact of bottled water and the community has been quite vocal about it."

Dee, whose Do Something group was instrumental in a plastic bags ban in Coles Bay, Tasmania, said he hoped the ban would make people think twice about buying bottled water.

"It's possible it will extend to other places. The main idea is to get people thinking about their usage of bottled water -- we're spending about half a billion dollars on it here in Australia," he said.Retailers in the New South Wales town, south of Sydney, have already agreed to stop stocking bottled water.

Activists say bottling water causes unnecessary use of plastics and fuel for transport. A New South Wales study found that in 2006, the industry was responsible for releasing 60,000 tonnes of gases blamed for global warming.

*Please enjoy the related post by Beth Terry of Fake Plastic Fish about bottled water.